- Authors: Alho AM, Alho A
- Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=%E2%80%9CRepresenta%C3%A7%C3%B5es+de+mulheres+em+idade+f%C3%A9rtil+e+profissionais+de+sa%C3%BAde+sobre+utiliza%C3%A7%C3%A3o+de+cuidados+de+sa%C3%BAde+reprodutiva%E2%80%9D
Ascertaining poor and not poor women’s representations about fecundity and verifying how this affectedreproductive health care use (maternal health care and family planning), as well ashealthcare professionals’representationsabout “poor” women-fecundity patternsand reproductive healthcare use.
A qualitative study was carried out through interviews and focus groups. Specifically, eight interviews were held and two focus groups were run, giving a total of eighteen women from various socioeconomic backgrounds (living in poverty and not living in poverty). Both focus groups were run with healthcare professionals (nurses and doctors), giving a total of fifteen participants. Data was analysed by using content analysis identifying significant themes.
Similarities were found between women from different social backgrounds, although some differences were also found, particularly about male partners’rolein family planning and planning pregnancies. Health professionals’ attributedstandard featuresto “poor” individuals,i.e. immediacy, conditioning family planning practice and maternal health care use patterns.
The women and health professionals’ representationsregarding fecundity, needs and ways of using reproductive health care (maternal health care and family planning) did not always coincide. Decision-makers’importance in realizing this fact must be emphasizedso that healthcare policies can be adaptedto vulnerable populations’texpectations and perceptions of need, thereby leading to the suitable use of reproductive healthcare and ultimately promoting equity in health.