The Collaborating Centre works on 7 key issues
Strategic Planning
Fostering the attraction, retention and distribution of talent in health services through collaborative models of inter-, intra- and multi-professional work, ensuring the health and well-being of the workforce in working conditions that promote satisfaction, motivation and the involvement of professionals in decision-making.
Labour Market Analysis
Balance between entries and exits, taking into account the dynamics of the education sector and labor market demand, the attractiveness of professional careers, the competitiveness of public and private employers, the global market, the maintenance and relocation of the workplace, reasons for leaving work due to change of profession, retirement or migration, and inequalities in access to and progression in the profession.
Prospective Planning and Forecasting
Forecasting the need for human resources over the years using criteria of availability, accessibility, acceptability and quality.
E-health, AI and Information Systems
Analysis of the impact of digital and technological developments on innovation and the quality of work of health professionals (Robotics, 5G, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Digital Transformation, Hybrid Realities, etc.).
Quality and Innovation
Evaluation of quality and innovation in the training of health professionals and safety in health care practice
One Health
Unified approach that balances and enhances the health of people, animals and the environment and assesses public health impacts.
Public Health Emergencies
Monitoring the work carried out by human resources in conflict zones, humanitarian aid, outbreaks and in preventing events that weaken the robustness of health systems.